Wednesday 16 April 2008

# 84 - Identify 100 things that make me happy

Part Two

1. Seeing a bird on a powerline.
2. The sky
3. Cranes
4. Ashleigh
5. Gilbert and George
6. Michael
7. Snow
8. Cups of tea
9. Something for Kate

11.5pm on a Friday afternoon.
12.Really good sushi
13.Phone calls from my mum
14.Reading in bed in winter
15.Art books
16.Counting down the days to holidays
18.New clothes (I'm a sucker for consumerism)
19.Cooking chicken pie
20.Painting with inks.


Jackie West said...

You added me to your "fellow blogaholics"! I feel so included!

A hug.

kit and nancy. said...

smuggle inn?


snuggle in.

all this boyness is a bit snuggly if you ask me :)